The new version of Microsoft's browser, Internet Explorer 11.0.9600.17107

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Internet Explorer  web browser is fast and reliable with features designed to meet the needs of a new generation of software users and developers are. Internet Explorer users with features to meet the needs of developers and web designers also provide. Internet Explorer supports web standards, advanced development tools and security improvements, in order to provide users has been updated. This version is compatible with user expectations and increase
d code supports WebGL and High DPI can be used as an advanced browser. Also be used according to this version of Windows 8, support for touch screens have been added to this version. Rapid technological and Prefetch and store websites using pre-rendered Web page objects also prioritize the competing versions of browsers such as Firefox and Chrome in speed will be. View web pages with JavaScript. Improved and the application environment and its integration with the Windows environment has improved. 

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